New Biomass gasitication power plant
for sale 55

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Containerized Anaerobic Fermentation Equipment Biogas Desulphurized System Biomass Power Plant

Biomass gasitication is scheme for solving growing issues with natural gas.
Lowest lifecycle costs, reliable equipment
Strong reputation and references
Green power
Biomass gasitication is the way produce a higher grade of combustible gas by heating solid biomass in a gasifier, while introducing air, oxygen or water vapor. The characteristic of gasification rate up to 75% or more, thermal efficiency can reach 85%.
The gas generated by biomass gasification can be used for drying, heating, power generation and other applications. The use of biomass energy has a positive effect on the establishment of distributed energy, the disposal of agricultural waste and municipal waste, and the improvement of energy efficiency.
Biomass - a valuable fuel
feedstock Materials for gasifier system

Browse the inventory of Biomass gasitication system for sale below, but be sure to give us a call to speak directly with a member of our sales team.
They are eager to do what they can to get you into a new Biomass power plant today for lowest price on market.

1 MW Biomass Gasifier power
plant  PLT-1000W for sale
 NEW   Total 30227

ID: 1210
Qty Available: 2 units
Manufactured by: HAITAI POWER
Biomass Power Plant
The price: $ P.O.A.

NEW 1 MW biomass power plant PLT-1000W  Biomass gasitication is the way produce a higher grade of combustible gas by heating solid biomass in a gasifier, while introducing air, oxygen or water vapor. The characteristic of gasification rate up to 75% or more, thermal efficiency can reach 85%. The gas generated by biomass gasification can be used for drying, heating, power generation and other applications. The use of biomass energy has a positive effect on the establishment of distributed energy, the disposal of .........

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